DADU! Creating a Backyard Cottage class at Phinney Center October 20th 7pm Room 3

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DADUs!!!! Ever wanted to learn more

about Detached and Attached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADUs)? Well, now you

can! Come to our class on Thursday, October 20th from 7-9pm at the Phinney Neighborhood Community Center Room #3 to learn about DADUs.  Please register here.

This is an expanded class on the why, what, where, which and how of creating a backyard cottage.


Plus, are your neighbors also thinking of building a DADU? Does it make sense to collaborate with your neighbors to create an economy of scale? Bring them along.

Even more–what about changes to the Seattle Land Use code? What’s happening now?

Bring your address, property dimensions and if possible your sewer card. Bring a note pad and several colors of pens.     See you there!