2020—Twenty-twenty, this number, this year will be meaningful to many for a long time to come. Everyone felt it. Some people and industries felt it much more than others.
I keep thinking of those that were more impacted than me and giving back where I am able to do so.
What am I personally grateful for at live-work-play?
Lots of positive collaboration and help from assistants, consultants, contractors, and owners and fellow advocacy partners. Everyone pitching in to calmly do the best they can.
Being able to continue to help owners with projects, with their homes, and confidently start new ones even with the unknowns.
All of my personal support system..my partner, family, friends and Figgy the cat. The opportunity for reflection.
Optimism. Somehow, I see the future day where we get to gather together like these birds (bushtits) at the fountain.